
Chatting in the Wiki: Synchronous-Asynchronous Integration

Track: Posters
Authors: Robert P. Biuk-Aghai and Keng Hong Lei, (University of Macau, Macao)

Wikis have become popular platforms for collaborative writing. The traditional production mode has been remote asynchronous and supported by wiki systems geared toward both asynchronous writing and asynchronous communication. However, many people have come to rely on synchronous communication in their daily work. This paper first discusses aspects of synchronous and asynchronous activity and communication and then proposes an integration of synchronous communication facilities in wikis. A prototype system developed by the authors is briefly presented.

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1 5 pdf WikiSym2010-RobertKin-PosterAbstract-Revised.pdf View Download   Poster abstract Fri 09 of July, 2010 03:35 EDT by robertb 170.70 Kb 825
2 9 png WikiSym2010-RobertKin-Poster.png View Download   Poster Fri 09 of July, 2010 17:24 EDT by robertb 4.13 Mb 697